IVF Lab Setting up is an important for In-vitro Fertilization which have to deal with issues with air quality as it is a growing concern for respective area. It is also critical for building laboratories. The changes in weather, seasons, fires, and industries bring a new challenge to the air quality in IVF clinics. Apex offer complete solutions for IVF lab setup in Entire Globe.
Maintaining Air Quality
One of the critical things to ensure when setting up an IVF lab is the desired level of Air Quality. Air quality, particle count, and sterility are important for an IVF laboratory to ensure the best clinical outcomes. This is because human embryos are sensitive to the presence of any smells, volatile organic compounds (VOC), chemically active compounds (CAC). Globally, a class 10,000 /ISO class 7 Lab is recommended for IVF that is 10,000 ppm in air. Our solutions ensure that you achieve that level .
The most effective way to achieve this is by building a modular cleanroom. This can be achieved by using a combination of PUF modular panels & using an efficient HVAC air system that controls the temperature, humidity & particulate matter and filters harmful VOCs etc.
We also ensure that the IVF laboratories are equipped with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA Filter), and activated carbon filters. We also help you maintain positive pressure for air particulate control system.
We also help you with the designing of your IVF lab so to ensure maximum efficiency in the processes. We would help you to envision the plan even before we have built it.
Lab Design & Quality Support
We lend our expertise in the industry, to ensure that you get the right level of support that you want. Not only we would help you to design and setting up your IVF lab but we would also help you with procuring the right equipment, and support and maintenance services. This would ensure that your lab functions at its best so that you don’t have any issues.